Hastings is a special place. Traditional, head-strong, eccentric and immensely warm. Just as well that I live here. There is a wealth of things to capture. I shall throw my line out. George Street 30x22 inches. Watercolour to follow Orange Dress_60x60cm George Street with Hats_60x60cm Battle High Street_60x60cm RX 89_14x10 inches Hastings Fishing Boats_45x60cm Mermaid Street, Rye, 60x60cm Cafe Nero Hastings_A3 Hastings George Street_50x60cm_30 April 2022 Hastings George Street, A4 Hastings Rock-a-Nore, 50x40cm Hastings Fishing Boats, 60x50cm Hastings George Street, 50x60cm Hastings George Street_A3 Hastings High Street_14x10 inches Hastings Rock-a-Nore_A3 Hastings Cafe Hanushka_A4 Hasting Cafe Hanushka, Sketchbook Camber Sands_Sketchbook The Crown Inn_A3 Westvilla St Leonards_22x15 inches King Size Slim_A3 View from Harpsichord House_30x22 inches RX58_50x60cm RX56_45x60cm Battle Abbey, A4 Great Dixter House and Garde, A4