Flowers and Gardens. Teeming with life. It is the wild meandering beauty of petals, leaves and creatures that brings out the very essence of these criss-crossing continued lines - energy, tenderness and abundancy. Large Vase with Lilies, 50x70cm Lilis in Magenta, 100x100cm, black pen and oil on canvas Great Dixter House and Gardens_50x60cm Plants and Creatures, 30x22 inches Great Dixter House and Gardens, A4 Lilies and Butterflies, Commission, 50x50cm Chris' Garden and House, Commission, 60x60cm Belton House and Gardens, 60x50cm Lilies and Vase, 22x30 inches Brede Woods, East Sussex, 60x50cm Cherry Blossoms_22x15 inches Roses_22x15 inches View from Harpsichord House_30x22 inches Roses_A3 Starling_A3